Past Conferences
Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2024
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the 16th annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) & Modernization Update held in Novi, Michigan, in August. CertaSIM, LLC had a commercial exhibitor booth showcasing the capabilities of the IMPETUS Afea Solver Suite in the field of the Defense Industry.

IMPETUS Conference 2024
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the IMPETUS Conference going held in Flekkefjord, Norway, from June 17th to June 19th, 2024. Since the last conference, IMPETUS have introduced an ultra-fast CFD solver, new interior ballistics functionality, an improved SPH solver, and enriched GUI features, including a cutting-edge fragmentation tool.
There were presentations of interesting work and simulation results from the IMPETUS community from around the world.

IMPETUS Tech Day 2024
CertaSIM, LLC hosted the first IMPETUS Tech Day on May 8, 2024 in Southfield, Michigan. The event provided an excellent platform for industry professionals and researchers to showcase their work utilizing the IMPETUS Solver Suite. The focus of the meeting was to unveil the latest developments from IMPETUS over the past year and to offer insights into what users can expect in the future. It was an excellent opportunity to ask the CTO, Dr. Lars Olovsson, questions about the solver technology, network with other IMPETUS users and learn how they have successfully applied the software to their areas of interest.

BETA CAE Systems Noth America West Coast Open Meeting 2024
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the BETA CAE Systems North America West Open Meeting held in Milpitas, California, on April 23rd, 2024. The goal of the conference was to update the latest developments in our product line and share the experiences from application cases on various simulation disciplines and industries.

International Orbital Debris Conference (IOC) II
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the 2nd International Orbital Debris Conference (IOC) held in Sugar Land, Texas, from December 4th to 7th, 2023. The goal of the conference was to promote orbital debris research activities in the United States and to foster collaborations with the international community.

Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2023
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the 15th annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) & Advanced Planning Briefings for Industry (APBI) conference held in Novi, Michigan, from August 15th to 17th.

Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference (ASIDIC) 2023
CertaSIM, LLC has attended Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference (ASIDIC) in Wichita, Kansas from June 20th to June 23rd, 2023.
This conference provides a forum for researchers, regulatory agencies, and industry professionals to present and discuss the latest aerospace crashworthiness regulations, certification by analysis methods for aircraft structures and interiors, bird strike, metallic & composite structures, impact dynamics, impact damage tolerance, UAS, computational and experimental techniques.

2023 Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference in Columbus, OH, from February 27th to March 1st, 2023.
This conference brings together leaders from the Department of Defense, the military services, industry, prime contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and academia to address present and future tactical wheeled vehicle requirements.

Beta CAE Systems North America Open Meeting 2022
Next Generation Solid Element Technology for Robust and Efficient Simulations using Impetus and ANSA!
Dr. Mindle (CertaSIM, LLC) presented a paper titled “Next Generation Solid Element Technology for Robust and Efficient Simulations using Impetus and ANSA” at the 2022 Beta CAE Systems North America Open Meeting, in Auburn Hills, Michigan, on October 5th. For more information, contact

Hypervelocity Impact Symposium 2022
CertaSIM attended the Hypervelocity Impact Society Conference HVIS2022, September 19-22, 2022. IMPETUS was well represented with 2 technical presentations in addition to our Exhibitor Booth.
Thanks to all those that stopped by our booth to ask questions and learn more about the IMPETUS Solver Technology.

Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2022
CertaSIM, LLC has attended the 14th annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) & Advanced Planning Briefings for Industry (APBI) conference held in Novi, Michigan, in August. CertaSIM, LLC had a commercial exhibitor booth showcasing the capabilities of the IMPETUS Afea Solver Suite in the field of the Defense Industry.

IMPETUS User Conference 2022
CertaSIM attended the International IMPETUS User Conference 2022, held in Flekkefjord, Norway, on the 28th-29th of June. The agenda contained presentations from the IMPETUS staff on new features, including parametric objects, fragmentation analysis, and VAA (Vulnerable Area Assessment). This meeting also focused on data distribution on Impetus MARKET. It was an excellent opportunity to network with other IMPETUS Users and learn how they have successfully applied the software to their area of interest! CertaSIM gave a presentation entitled: “Implementation of IMPETUS over the Last Decade in the US and Canadian Defense Industry”.

Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME) 2022
CertaSIM CANADA ULC was a bronze-level sponsor of the annual Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME), held from June 5th to 8th, 2022, in Edmonton, Alberta. This Conference was Canada’s largest research and development conference, focused primarily on mechanical engineering but encompassing perspectives from many engineering disciplines.

CertaSIM CANADA ULC attended Canada's Largest Global Defence & Security Trade Show - "CANSEC." It was organized by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) and held in Ottawa, Canada, on June 1st and 2nd. CANSEC 2022 showcased leading-edge technologies, products, and services for land-based, naval, aerospace, and joint forces military units.
CertaSIM CANADA ULC had a commercial exhibitor booth showcasing the capabilities of the IMPETUS Afea Solver Suite.

International Symposium on Ballistics (ISB) 2022
CertaSIM, LLC participated in the 32nd International Symposium on Ballistics, held from May 8–13, 2022, in Reno, Nevada, USA. The ISB Symposia has a long-standing international reputation as a catalyst for stimulating research in this area through a wealth of oral and poster presentations and commercial exhibits.
CertaSIM, LLC had a commercial exhibitor booth showcasing the capabilities of the IMPETUS Afea Solver Suite. In addition, the excellence of IMPETUS to model Shaped Charges was again proven by MBDA and IMPETUS France, winning the Neill Griffiths Award. It is given to the paper judged to have made the most significant contribution to a shaped charge technology at the International Symposium on Ballistics. They applied the γSPH Solver in their work.

Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2021
For the 8th Consecutive year CertaSIM, LLC attended the 13th annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) & Advanced Planning Briefings for Industry (APBI) conference held August 10th -12th in Novi, Michigan, USA. This year was a live event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet many of our customers in the Military Vehicle Industry and discuss new features in the IMPETUS Afea Solver® after not having met for over a year due to the pandemic. Additionally, CertaSIM, LLC had teamed with AM General to show work related to the newly developed V/L tool in the IMPETUS Afea Solver®. Steve Grate, Chief Engineer in Survivability at AM General, and Morten Rikard Jensen, Ph.D., CTO at CertaSIM, LLC co-authored the paper “Procedure for Fast Ballistic Vulnerability Simulation of Armored Vehicles Supported by Finite Element Results and an Extensive Numerical Sensitivity Study of Key Parameters”. It was presented in the Survivability Technical Session.

Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2020
CertaSIM, LLC attended the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2020. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, this year's event was virtual. Professor P. Mulligan, Ph.D., from Missouri University of Science and Technology, had a joint paper in the Survivability technical session with Dr. M. R. Jensen, CertaSIM, LLC. The research work consists of numerical and experimental investigations of Explosively Formed Projectiles.

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2019
CertaSIM, LLC is attended the forthcoming ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) conference, held from November 11th-14th, 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. This Conference is ASME’s largest research and development conference focused primarily on mechanical engineering but encompasses perspectives from many engineering disciplines

Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) 2019
For the 6th Consecutive year CertaSIM, LLC attended the 11th annual Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) & Advanced Planning Briefings for Industry (APBI) conference held August 13th-15th in Novi, Michigan, USA. Some of the technical tracks of the conference focused on Modeling & Simulation, Testing & Validation and Autonomous Ground Systems, areas that CertaSIM currently supports or conducts research in. It was a great opportunity for us to meet many of our customers in the Military Vehicle Industry and discuss new features in the IMPETUS Afea Solver®.

Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) 2019
CertaSIM, LLC attended the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) held from July 14th-19th, 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, USA. This Conference is an international technical forum to discuss and expand the knowledge on the topics related to Pressure Vessel and Piping technologies for the Power and Process Industries. There were people from over 40 countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and the Oceania islands. Some of the topics included Design & Analysis, Fluid-Structure Interaction, High Pressure Technology, and Seismic Engineering which are of great interest for our customers.

IMPETUS User Conference 2019
The IMPETUS Afea User’s meeting in Flekkeford Norway was a great success as the attendees shared their experiences. Attendance included IMPETUS users from many countries in Europe. Areas of interest focused on Defense related applications, such as ballistics, blast simulations, material modeling of high strength steels, modeling concrete under hypervelocity impact, etc. The IMPETUS development team gave presentations about new features in the solver and new GUI features such as object libraries and templates that provide increased productivity and allow for an easy but secure way to work on collaborative projects with other companies.

Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (HVIS) 2019
CertaSIM, LLC had the pleasure of participating in the 15th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (HVIS) held in Destin, Florida, USA. CertaSIM displayed its new booth with dual projectors that showcased the capabilities of the IMPETUS Afea Solver® with special emphasis on simulations performed with the γSPH™ Solver. Our booth was positioned just outside the main conference doors which made for the perfect spot to display IMPETUS capabilities and resulted in many of the attendees stopping by to ask questions. The conference was well planned and executed – much thanks to the organizers for this fantastic conference where we really expanded our network.

BMES 2019: Frontiers in Medical Device Conference
CertaSIM LLC, partnered with csimsoft, as a silver sponsor at the “Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference: The Role of Digital Evidence to Support Personalized Patient Healthcare” conference co-sponsored by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), held at the University of Maryland, Washington DC March 19th-21st, 2019. Many attendees were very interested in the IMPETUS Brain Impact Model video that we displayed at our booth. The model was developed by Professor Milan Toma at NYIT and couples the IMPETUS AsetTM High Order solid elements with the revolutionary γSPH™ algorithm. There were many interesting presentations and posters leading to good discussions with researchers and engineers that are interested in our Next Generation Solver technology. This is the conference to attend for the medical devices industry and we value the time spent with current IMPETUS users as well the chance to meet new customers.

NVIDIA GTC 2019 Conference
The NVIDIA GTC2019 Conference was held March 17th-21st at the San Jose Convention Center. This is the 8th year that CertaSIM attended the conference and participated in the technical session. Mr. Kshitiz Khanna, Mechanical Engineer at CertaSIM presented a paper entitled “Modeling Fluid Structure Interaction with Multi-GPU Enabled Software”. The presentation is available from CertaSIM and NVIDIA also recorded the audio from the presentation and made it available to hear online. GPU technology is at the essence of the IMPETUS Afea Solver® massively parallel processing capabilities.

DoD Computational Human Body Modeling Performer Workshop
CertaSIM, LLC was represented at the “DoD Working Group on Computational Modeling of Human Lethality, Injury, and Impairment from Blast-related Threats” in Virginia, 05-06 February 2019. There were a little under 100 attendees discussing different aspects of modeling these applications. The two days workshop had many interesting presentations, one of them given by Professor Milan Toma, NYIT, about modeling the Human Brain with Fluid-Structure Interaction in the IMPETUS Afea Solver®. The workshop was a great success and CertaSIM, LLC obtained new valuable knowledge and expanded our network in this field. Thanks goes to DoD Blast Injury Research Program Coordinating Office, Fort Detrick and MITRE Corporation for hosting the event.

GPU computing continues to improve every time NVIDIA releases a new generation of processors. At GTC2018 held at the San Jose Convention center this past March, the CEO of NVIDIA, Jensen Huang, introduced the latest Professional Workstation GPU, the Quadro GV100 powered by the NVIDIA Volta. With 32GB of HBM2 memory, 5120 CUDA Parallel-Processing Cores and 640 Tensor Cores it leapfrogs the previous version, the GP100 that had 3584 CUDA Cores and 16GB of HBM2 memory and no Tensor Cores. To quote the NVIDIA Website:
“The NVIDIA Quadro® GV100 is reinventing the workstation to meet the demands of next-generation ray tracing, AI, simulation, and VR enhanced workflows. It’s powered by NVIDIA Volta, delivering the extreme memory capacity, scalability, and performance that designers, architects, and scientists need to create, build, and solve the impossible.”
CertaSIM presented benchmark results at GTC2018 for a Hypervelocity Impact Scenario to compare performance of the GV100 with the GP100. The models were run with the IMPETUS Afea γSPH™ Solver which is a full continuum particle model that takes full advantage of GPU Technology. There were 4 resolution models tested, an 800K particle model, 6.5 million particle model, 10 million particle model and 33 million particle model. The GP100 and GV100 are NVLINK capable which means the communication between 2 GPUs is a direct connection that bypasses the CPU to improve performance. The benchmark tests consisted of single GPU, dual GPU and dual GPU with NVLINK.

To compare with a cluster based solution, a similar 800K model took a whopping 20min on a 36 core cluster. Certainly no match for GPU massively parallel processing.